Ashley Giron

Ashley Giron

Cohort 2: 2017-2018
Resident Placement: Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Los Angeles
Principal: St. Jane Frances de Chantal, North Hollywood (2018-Present)

Mentor Principal from 2019-2021; 2022-Present 

Ashley Giron was born and raised in Southern California and attended Catholic schools through eighth grade. She received her BA in Liberal Studies and Multiple Subject teaching credential from Cal State University, Los Angeles. After working as a substitute for a year, she found her home at Saint Finbar Elementary in Burbank, CA. At St. Finbar Ashley worked as a teacher in the computer lab, Kindergarten, Early Fives, and in Fourth Grade. In her eight years at St. Finbar, she became a member of the Leadership Team, worked as a STAR testing leader, established and organized the yearly STEM Science Fair, and was the school’s technology coordinator. She received her Masters in Education with an option in Educational Technology & Leadership in 2016 from Cal State University, Los Angeles. Ashley attributes much of her knowledge and love of Catholic education to the amazing community of St. Finbar School.