Jamison Mahar

Cohort 7: 2022-2023
Resident Placement: St. Matthias Dual Language Catholic School, Huntington Park
Principal: Our Lady of Loretto School, Los Angeles (Present)

Jamison Mahar has always had a knack for education. Her grandmother, cousins, Godfather and mother were all teachers, professors, principals - and one is even a superintendent. Needless to say, being an educator is in her genes. Ms. Mahar has been a part of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for six years and has served on three WASC/ WCEA teams. She received her Associate’s Degree from Riverside City College in Social and Behavioral Studies, her Bachelor's Degree from Marist College in Psychology and Special Education, and her Master's Degree from Loyola Marymount University in Educational Studies. 

Ms. Mahar is very devoted to her faith and volunteers with many different churches as a choir member, Eucharistic Minister, usher, Confirmation teacher, and recently a Young Adult Mentor. Her years of dedication to the Church led her to become a Catholic school teacher. In her free time, Ms. Mahar likes to swim, paddleboard, play piano, sing, and play water polo. She has even won two National Championships in Synchronized Swimming, and one State Championship in Water Polo.