Melinda Nassar

Melinda Nassar

Cohort 3: 2018-2019
Resident Placement: Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Los Angeles
Principal: St. Bridget of Sweden, Van Nuys (2019-2022)

Mentor Principal from 2020-2021

Melinda Nassar was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. She started her Catholic education at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary School and continued at Bellarmine-Jefferson High School. Melinda earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature from California State University, Northridge, and Master’s Degree in Elementary Education and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Loyola Marymount University. She later earned her Clear Credential at Mount St. Mary’s College. Her journey led her back to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary School as a teacher. There she served in kindergarten for two years, first grade for ten years, eighth grade homeroom and middle school language arts and social studies for three years. While teaching, she also served as vice principal for four years. Melinda served as Student Council moderator, testing coordinator, and mentor teacher. She was a member of the school board, leadership committee, marketing committee, and WASC visiting committees. She also had the opportunity to coach volleyball and basketball for students from grades 4th through 8th.