Walter Ortiz

Cohort 6: 2021-2022
Resident Placement: Sacred Heart Dual Language Immersion Elementary, Lincoln Heights
Principal: Immaculate Conception School, Los Angeles (2022-Present)

Walter Ortiz was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and did all of his formative schooling in Huntington Park, CA. After receiving his Associates Degree in Liberal Arts from East Los Angeles College, Walter proudly transferred and graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts in English.  While pursuing work as a writer after graduating, he took on a myriad of odd-jobs ranging from retail to customer service to mail delivery. In 2015, after working as an on-call substitute teacher for Teachers on Reserve, he was given the opportunity to teach Junior High ELA as the 7th Grade Homeroom teacher at St. Malachy School in South Los Angeles. His tenure at St. Malachy saw him take on a number of roles including Academic Decathlon moderator, Student Council moderator and Girls’ Volleyball coach, as well as promotion to 8th Grade teacher and Vice-Principal. In 2020, Walter, yet again, proudly graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a Master of Arts degree in Urban Education.